Instead of politics or a new year's resolution

The piece below is to be published in the upcoming edition of US 1 Worksheets.  Its a good poetry journal that has poems which are not hard to figure out.  It comes out once a year.  Look it up, maybe you'll want to subscribe.  My best wishes (fingers crossed) for a new year with some more compassion and joy in it.



The Troubadour                           


I watch you strumming down my street

inside my leafy suburb.


You are not from here

a grizzled troubadour


ponytail, scrubby, rutted skin

signs of life lived poorly elsewhere.


You sing about your journey

even as I pass you on my street.


Underneath my notice

comes in the leisure of your drawl


Lend a hand my friend…

Help me to my next horizon


I keep heading for a next appointment

wonder where you’re going.


Next morning there’s your music

languid looping through my leafy suburb head


worming deep inside

I feel the soft and sing song way


you stroll and plead

like someone born to be seductive.